It's been a long, strange trip, hasn't it? It's not about to get any less strange, at least, but if there's anything we do around here, it's the strange, mythic, exciting, thrilling, and heroic.
After a few years of struggle, some changes in personnel, and more wild life ups-and-downs than I care to count right now, Hero's Journey is back online! The new site here will provide you with the following:
The Latest News. The site and its blog will be updated regularly with progress on the game, its playtests, and the long road to publishing. While our Twitter is also a good source of information, this is where you want to be for the meaty stuff!
Extras and Goodies. In addition to news about the game itself, we'll also be providing downloadables as we get them finished and doing features on mythology, game questions, and fiction set in the Hero's Journey universe.
You! If you have questions, want to tell us things, want to ask for updates and anything else, this is where we're likely to answer them. Feel free to use our contact form, hit us up by email, tweet at us, or drop in for our Twitch live playtest streams.
There are more new features on the way, including more information about the game in a nice reference format and checklists so you can follow along with our progress. And in the meantime, we can't wait to keep rolling along this journey with all of you, whether you're one of our beloved backers who's believed in us from the beginning or brand-new to the idea of the game.
With lots of love and unstoppable determination,
Anne & John