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May 17, 20215 min read
Mythology Monday: The Dread Serpent Apep
Submitted: Tell us about Apep! We are all too happy to talk about Apep (probably closer to Apapi in ancient Egyptian), also known in...
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May 15, 20216 min read
Divine Spotlight: Freyja
Freyja the fair then went they to find; Hear now the speech that first they spake: "Bind on, Freyja, the bridal veil, For we two must...
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May 10, 20218 min read
Mythology Monday: God-Kings
Submitted: Perhaps you can do a post on deified emperors and to which point they were actually worshiped? This seems like a simple...
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May 8, 20216 min read
Divine Spotlight: Athena
Of Pallas Athena, guardian of the city, I begin to sing! Dread is she, and with Ares she loves deeds of war, the sack of cities and the...
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